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Carpet cleaning with natural materials

775 Visit

Cleaning the paint or stains on the carpet is possible by doing the following:

Do not worry about cleaning stains or carpet materials using the following materials.

1-Less is what you can not clean with juice and vinegar
Fortunately, the spots of the carpet are no exception. To clean the carpet, just add the baking powder to the carpet patch and add white vinegar. After the froth is complete, drain on a carpet to absorb vinegar, let it dry. Collect the jars with the vacuum cleaner. Use for blemishes larger than juice alone. Sprinkle it on the carpet and vacuum it at least after half an hour.

2. Cleaning the carpet with salt
A mixture of vinegar and salt is also a patch of carpet. Make the two ingredients in the form of dough and pour on the stain, let it absorb. Rub the wipes over the desired area. After drying, vacuum cleaner.

3. Cleaning the carpet with steam
Pour water into the steam cleaner to clean the water vapor. Read the catalog carefully. If you are allowed to use chemicals, it is better to use a mixture of water and vinegar instead.

4-hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a great cleanser, especially for protein and blood spots. By pouring this material on the carpet, you will see a blot of stain. Apply water or white vinegar to the desired location.

5. Use the passion floor in cleaning the carpet
Yes, you can also clean the carpet using the passion floor. Mix 2 cup boiling sugar with ¼ cup boiled soap or pieces of soap. Add 20-10 drops of aromatic essential oil to these ingredients. Usually used lavender or lemon. Stir well and spray on a carpet. Next, mix ¼ cup warm water with 1 cup white vinegar. Insert the sponge and place on the previously cast material. Let the carpet dry for at least one hour and then vacuum it.

6-Corn powder
Whether or not you believe the corn powder also helps clean your carpet. Mix 1 cup of it with a boiling cup and ½ cup boiling sugar and sprinkle on the carpet. Clean the carpet by pulling a damp cloth or sponge cake. After drying, vacuum cleaner

Labels : carpet cleaning with natural materials

مدیرسایت 1396/05/31

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