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Fantasy carpet

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Different types of special carpets give home-made interior decoration, but we must know that each type of carpet has its own special beauty, it can not be said that carpets with the role of larch bergamot are more beautiful than rugs with a role of clay, or a beautiful flower It has a higher superiority than other types of carpets, as compared to Iranian carpets and modern and fancy carpets.

In the production of modern carpet or fancy carpet, it is common to use shiny and shiny colors to enhance the appearance and attractiveness of these carpets in the interior decoration of the home, but there are fantasy carpets that have neutral colors, but mostly in production Fancy Rugs Red, yellow and magenta colors are most often used. Lighter designs with higher readability in fancy carpets are used more than traditional Persian carpets. In today's fantasy and modern carpet, more than shapes such as squares, rectangles and patterns are different than the combination of the two. Usually designs and patterns on a fancy carpet are more distinctly colored. Modern carpets like traditional Persian carpets do not have a definite role and are usually used for houses with a modern and contemporary style of decoration.

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Labels : fantasy carpet

مدیرسایت 1396/06/04

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